Lettuce is a rich source of vitamin K and vitamin A, and a moderate source of folate and iron.
Supports a healthy body.
In addition to its usual purpose as an edible leafy vegetable, lettuce has had a number of uses in ancient (and even some more modern) folk medicine and religious symbolism. For example, ancient Egyptians thought lettuce to be a symbol of sexual prowess and a promoter of love and childbearing in women. The Romans likewise claimed that it increased sexual potency. In contrast, the ancient Greeks connected the plant with male impotency, and served it during funerals (probably due to its role in the myth of Adonis' death), and British women in the 19th century believed it would cause infertility and sterility.
Lettuce has mild narcotic properties; it was called "sleepwort" by the Anglo-Saxons because of this attribute, although the cultivated L. sativa has lower levels of the narcotic than its wild cousins. This narcotic effect is a property of two sesquiterpene lactones (lactucin and lactucopicrin) which are found in the white liquid (latex) in the stems of lettuce, called lactucarium or "lettuce opium". Although the standard definition of lactucarium requires its production from Lactuca virosa or "wild lettuce", it was recognized that smaller quantities of lactucarium could be produced in a similar way from Lactuca sativa. and Lactuca canadensis var. elongata, and that lettuce-opium obtained from Lactuca serriola or Lactuca quercina was of superior quality.
Romaine lettuce is one of the symbolic items on the Jewish Passover Seder plate as a bitter herb (maror).
Lettuce has very few calories, but lots of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to support a healthy body. Since it is very low in calories but provides valuable nutrition [lettuce] is considered nutrient-dense.
Promotes Bone Strength
Although calcium and vitamin D are usually the first micronutrients to come to mind for bone health, vitamin K also plays a vital role. Dark leafy greens are one of the best dietary sources of vitamin K.
Several studies have demonstrated the association between vitamin K status and bone strength.3 Getting enough calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K (along with regular strength training) appears to provide the best protection against osteoporosis.
May Support a Healthy Pregnancy
Llettuce also provides several essential nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy. A study that enrolled 374 pregnant women from eight health centers in Ethiopia indicated that poor or inconsistent intakes of dark leafy greens, dairy, and fruit produced higher risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth.4 It appears dark leafy greens may play a role in healthy pregnancies.
Lettuce also contains 15% of the daily recommended intake of folate. Folate has a well-established role in preventing birth defects early in pregnancy. The range of additional micronutrients in spring mix supports fetal development and healthy gestational weight gain.
Reduces Alzheimer's Risk
A dietary pattern that includes leafy greens is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. It's believed that higher intake of folate from leafy greens and other plant foods is protective against cognitive decline.
When it takes the place of less healthy food choices, spring mix increases overall antioxidant intake and provides anti-inflammatory compounds that support cognitive function.
Helps Protect Vision
Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss. The carotenoids found in spring mix, including lutein, are known to concentrate in the retina and protect against damaging oxidation. Consuming lettuce along with a source of healthy fat (such as olives, salad dressing, or nuts) improves the bioavailability of these fat-soluble compounds for maximum absorption.
Supports Heart Health
The consumption of leafy greens along with other vegetables has been shown to prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), coronary heart disease, and stroke. Spring mix also contains fiber, which helps keep "bad" cholesterol levels down. And you'll get 11% of your daily recommended intake of potassium in spring mix; potassium can help blood pressure from becoming elevated.
Additional nutrients in lettuce, like vitamin A and vitamin C, have antioxidant effects that protect against cardiovascular damage over time. Including leafy greens, along with a range of colorful fruits and vegetables, in your diet can help keep your heart healthy.
Mildly sedative.
Vitamins A,K, folate.